Essence of Life
This podcast explores topics which reveal the essence of life, such as: What is the purpose of life? How can I discover my inner calling and live it? How can I find true happiness and lasting fulfillment? Barbara Ann Briggs is the author of Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, a novel of visionary fiction. She is also the author of a book on Maharishi's Vedic Science and a book called Guide to Good Health. She is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and a certified Consciousness Advisor. This podcast will include many quotations from enlightened masters.
Essence of Life
The Secret of Perfect Health
The secret of perfect health is to remain always happy. We must keep our minds free from worries, doubts , fears and anxieties. We must realize that even seeming problems may be a blessing in disguise. We must learn to welcome life with "yes, yes, yes."
To learn more about Barbara Ann Briggs, visit her website at: https://barbaraannbriggs.com
Follow me on Instagram: barbaraannbriggsbooks.com
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