Essence of Life
This podcast explores topics which reveal the essence of life, such as: What is the purpose of life? How can I discover my inner calling and live it? How can I find true happiness and lasting fulfillment? Barbara Ann Briggs is the author of Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, a novel of visionary fiction. She is also the author of a book on Maharishi's Vedic Science and a book called Guide to Good Health. She is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and a certified Consciousness Advisor. This podcast will include many quotations from enlightened masters.
Essence of Life
Faith is needed for any accomplishment in life. There are three fields of faith: faith in oneself, faith in the teacher and faith in God. The greater the accomplishment, the more faith is needed. Maharishi says: " Faith provides an anchor in life, not only for the seeker of Truth but for any man."
To learn more about Barbara Ann Briggs, visit her website at: https://barbaraannbriggs.com
Follow me on Instagram: barbaraannbriggsbooks.com
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